(Institute of Learning and Promoting Tolerance)

If You Start a Flame of Terrorism You Will Never be Able to Stop It

Live video streaming during a brutal terrorist attack on two mosque in New Zealand by the terrorist himself. Photo: Collected 

Sadik Hasan Shuvo 
Founder and Director, INLEPT

The brutal terrorist attack in NZ has drawn the attention of the world. I have identified the main reasons of extremism and suggested some points to reduce terrorism.

1. "There is no supremacy of one over another. All human being are equal. This is same to religion, race, nationalism, ethnicity and culture. One can be super only by good deeds"- the world need to spread this message.

2. War and destruction give birth terrorism. The world leaders have understand this and need to stop wars all over the world. USA-Soviet cold war gave birth Taliban, Iraq war is responsible for IS. Attack in New Zealand is the result of several killing by Islamic militants. If you start a flame of terrorism you will never be able to stop it.

3. It is thought that CIA, Mossad and other powerful intelligence organizations are working to promote intolerance and terrorism for their immediate and long term benefit. But they should realize that they are creating a Frankenstein which will destroy the whole world including them. There will be no exit door then.

4. The video released by the terrorist attacked in NZ on 15th March, 2019 shows that the terrorist kill the unarmed people in the way that of a video gamer kills enemies in games. This kind of war or gun based violent video games need to be stopped. 6. Medias play a biased role in focusing the terrorist incidents. A report of the Daily Star says media focus 357 times more on Islamic Terrorism than that of white supremacy and terrorism of other religion. Moreover medias make the terrorists hero which attracts youth to be extreme. These have created Islamophobia and it is responsible for the NZ terrorist attack.

5. The story of the terrorist attacked in NZ is similar to the story of the movie Savior (1998). There are a lot of Hollywood and Bollywood movies which defame and undermine others which is not ethical at all. These movies helps extremist to be more extreme and carry out terrorist attacks. These movies should be banned and directors should keep in mind that their creation will not display any kind of violent scene and story. Movies should be to promote humanity and solidarity.

6. Medias play a biased role in focusing the terrorist incidents. A report of the Daily Star says media focus 357 times more on Islamic Terrorism than that of white supremacy and terrorism of other religion. Moreover medias make the terrorists hero which attracts youth to be extreme. These have created Islamophobia and it is responsible for the NZ terrorist attack. 

People of NZ are standing behind the Muslim during prayer to support them. Photo: Collected.

People don't support terrorism at all. A very few hand full people who thinks about their supremacy support and carryout the terrorist attack. People have nothing to be afraid of. this few number cannot defeat the whole world.

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