(Institute of Learning and Promoting Tolerance)
Seminar on Social Tolerance
Content of discussion
·         Social Tolerance
·         Importance of Social Tolerance
·         Reason of Intolerance
·         Forms of Intolerance
·         Dimensions of Tolerance
·         Ways to increase tolerance
·         How one can be a tolerant person
·         How we can build a tolerant society
Chief Guest

Sadik Hasan Shuvo
Lecturer, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University
Founder, INLEPTO

Time, Date and Place
…. February, 2019
Conference Hall, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

Arranged by
(Institute of Learning and Promoting Tolerance)
We Respect Diversity

#This seminar is open for all. You are cordially invited. Certificate of presence will be provided to all participants.

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