of Content
I: The Organization
1: Introduction
2: Definition of Tolerance
3: Principles
4: Vision and Mission
II: Functions of the Organization
1: Research
2: Seminar
3: Area of Activity
4: Target Community
III: Administration of the organization
Article 1: Formation of Committee
Article 2: Advisory Panel
Article 3: Director and Executive
Article 4: Responsibility and
Article 5: Term of Committee
Article 6: Election and selection
Article 7: Election System
Article 8: Necessary vote for
Article 9: Election Commission
Article 10: Resignation and
Article 11: Sub Committees
IV: Meetings
Article 1: General Meeting
Article 2: Other Meetings
Article 3: Quorum and others
V: Finance
Article 1: Sources of Finance
Article 2: Management of Finance
VII: Amendment
Article 1: Conditions of
I: The Organization
Article 1: Introduction
full form of INLEPT is “Institute of Learning and Promoting Tolerance”. The
moto of the organization is “We respect diversity”. We believe that God created
diversity and he loves diversity. We also believe that diversity is the
strength of a society. Intolerance has become a great problem in the world
right now and it causes various kind of violence including terrorism. We want
people to be respectful to the diversity, merciful and benevolent to others.
Article 2: Definition of Tolerance and Intolerance
We define Tolerance as, “A practical virtue of respecting others’ believes and
Explanation: A
tolerant individual and society must consist of love, respect, support, mercy,
benevolence, honesty, self-accountability, self-respect, transparency, democratic
practice, rule of law and rule of man.
b) We
Define Intolerance as, “A practical virtue of
disrespecting or being harmful to others’ believes and practices.”
Explanation: An
intolerant individual and/or society is consist of hate, disrespect, avoidance,
harmfulness, revenge, hardship, dishonesty, irresponsibility, ambiguity and
autocratic practices
Article 3: Principles
The principles of the organization will be
1. Learning
2. Practicing
3. Promoting
4. Volunteerism
4. Volunteerism
Article 4: Vision and Mission
a) Vision: We want to establish a
tolerant society not only in Bangladesh but also in the whole world. We want a
society where “Hate” will be in museum.
b) Mission: We will practice, teach
and promote tolerance by our work and words.
II: Functions of the Organization
Article 1: Research
One of the main functions of the
organization will be undertaking research to find out the ways of promoting
tolerance and removing intolerance.
Article 2: Seminar and workshop
To promote tolerance we will
arrange seminar and workshop on various issues related to tolerance.
Article 3: Area of Activity
The area of activity will be
Bangladesh and other countries of the world.
Article 4: Target Community
Our target community will be
mainly the intolerant people and society. We will also operate our activities
in tolerant societies to increase and promote tolerance.
Article 5: More Activities
To promote tolerance we will
spread our message through photo, video, audio, writing, cartoon etc. via
online and offline media.
III: Administration of the Organization
Article 1: Formation of Administrative body
The administrative body will have
an advisory body, a director and an executive body.
Article 2: Advisory Panel
The advisory panel will include
renowned academician, politician and other successful persons who want a
tolerant society. The advisory panel will support the director and executive
body to perform activities properly. Advisory panel will be approved by the
general meeting.
Article 3: Director and Executive Body
Director: The director will be the
head of the organization.
Executive body: The organization
will have an executive body as follows.
1. General Secretary
2. Joint Secretary
3. Organizing Secretary
4. Secretary of Finance
5. Secretary of Research
6. Secretary of Office
7. Secretary of Public Relation
8. Secretary of Liaison
9. Secretary of Law
10. Executive Member (1)
11. Executive Member (2)
Article 4: Responsibility and Accountability
a) The committee will be responsible
for all of its actions.
b) The director will be accountable
to the executive body and the executive body will be accountable to the
c) In absence of director the
executive body will appoint anyone from the committee for the post (acting)
d) In absence of any member of
executive body director will appoint anyone from the committee for the post
(acting) if necessary.
Article 5: Term of Committee
a) Term of the director will be three
b) Term of the executive body will be
one year.
c) The term will start from the date
of first meeting.
Article 6: Election and selection
a) Election for new director will be
held 15 days before the termination of present director.
b) Election and selection for new
executive body will be held 15 days before the termination of present executive
c) Election of executive body will be
held for the post of “General Secretary” only. Other executive members will be
selected by the director consulting with election commission.
Article 7: Election System
Election Commission will announce
dates for buying nomination paper, cancelling nomination and election.
Interested candidates will buy nomination paper and submit it in time. On the
day of election all members of the committee will vote. Election commission
will provide blank ballot paper to all the members. Voters will write the name
of candidates whom he/she likes for the selected post. Individual voter will
sign at the right of the bottom of the ballot paper and will submit it to the
election commission openly.
Article 8: Necessary vote for mandate
To be elected in any election one
needs to get minimum 60% vote. Each member of executive body will have one
vote. The director will have five (5) votes.
Article 9: Election Commission
a. For the election of “Director”
Election Commission will be as follows
election commissioner: General Secretary
Commissioner: Executive member (1 and 2)
b. For the election of General
Secretary Election Commission will be as follows
election commissioner: Director
Commissioner: Executive member (1 and 2)
Article 10: Resignation and Impeachment
a) If any member of executive body
want to resign he/she will submit his/her resignation letter to the director.
b) If the director want to resign
he/she will submit his/her resignation letter to the general secretary.
c) Any member can propose impeachment
of any member for any grave misconduct in general meeting.
d) The decision of resignation and
impeachment will be finalize in general meeting.
Article 11: Sub Committees
a) To perform various activities the
committee will be able to form various sub committees.
b) The sub committees will be
accountable to the general secretary.
IV: Meetings
Article 1: General Meeting
a) Director will call a general
meeting at a suitable time of the first week of each month.
b) General Secretary will conduct the
meeting and it will be chaired by the director.
c) General Secretary will inform all
members about the agenda, date, time and place minimum 24 hours before the
meeting hold.
d) To pass any decision it needs to
get minimum 60% vote. Each member of executive body will have one vote. The
director will have five (5) votes.
e) Respective committee will be
responsible to execute the decision as soon as possible.
Article 2: Other Meetings
a) Any member can call a meeting with
prior permission of the director any time for any important issue.
b) For this kind of meeting the
member will inform all members about the agenda, date, time and place minimum
24 hours before the meeting hold.
c) General Secretary will conduct the
meeting and it will be chaired by the director.
Article 3: Quorum and others
a. To fulfil the quorum a meeting
needs presence of more than 50% members.
b. All the decisions of any meeting
will be noted down in a register by the general secretary.
c. The register will be preserved by
the secretary of office.
V: Finance
Article 1: Sources of Finance
Source of finance of the
organization will be
a) Donation of the members
b) Donation of others
c) Training sessions
d) Seminars
e) Advertising
f) Any other legal sources
Article 2: Management of Finance
a) Secretary of finance will manage a
bank account of the organization.
b) No financial transaction will be
held without the permission of director.
c) Secretary of finance will notify
all the members about each transaction.
d) He/she will be responsible for any
financial matter of the organization.
VII: Amendment
Article 1: Conditions of Amendment
a) Any article of the constitution is
b) Any member of the organization can
raise the proposal of amendment, addition and substation of any word, words,
sentence or article.
c) The edition will be finalize in
general meeting.
Sadik Hasan Shuvo
Director, INLEPT
Sadik Hasan Shuvo
Director, INLEPT
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