(Institute of Learning and Promoting Tolerance)

EngLEPT (English Learning Program for Tolerance)

EngLEPT is a platform (Primarily) for the students of Jaitya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University where they can develop their capability in Thinking, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Reading. 
It has been noticed that most of the undergraduate students are very poor in English. As almost 100% students are from Bengali medium they can’t write, speak and read English very well. Because of this limitations they cannot obtain good marks in Exams besides they cannot perform well in job interview too. To develop their capability in English INLEPT has started the new project, EngLEPT.
Two days (Monday and Wednesday) in each week  EngLEPT arranges sessions. The sessions does not only provide the opportunity with learning mere English but also help them to learn tolerance as they are requested to use examples that are somehow related to tolerance. 

Future Plan
As this program is going very well we are thinking to start it in different schools so that school students can also learn English and Tolerance at a time. 

At present we are practicing only speaking. Gradually we will start to practice all Thinking, Writing,  Listening and Reading too. 

Monday Session

This session focuses on English Grammar.
We practice
  • Idioms
  • Appropriate use of Prepositions
  • Correct form of verbs 
  • Everyday use English etc.

Photo: A notice for the Monday Session

Wednesday Session

This session is for Public speaking.

Photo: A sample poster of Wednesday session

-Runa Akter
Convener, EngLEPT
-Md. Omar Faruk
Co-Convener, EngLEPT

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